My name is Pamela, I’m an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Concepción. I am an Electronic Civil Engineer (Universidad de Concepción), and I did my postgraduate studies in the area of biomedicine, in France, at the Université Paris-Sud. I followed Master 2 in Information, Systems and Technology, Medical Imaging specialty, and then I studied a PhD in Physics, specializing in the same area. Both the Master’s thesis and the Doctorate thesis were carried out in a large brain study center called Neurospin, located in Saclay, France. In the University of Concepción, I am a professor mainly of the Biomedical Civil Engineering career, of which I am also a Career Manager. I also teach courses for the career of Electronic Civil Engineering, and postgraduate students.
PhD in Physics
Université Paris-Sud
Master 2 in Information, Systems and Technology, Medical Imaging specialty
Université Paris-Sud
Electronic Civil Engineer
Universidad de Concepcion